I sincerely appreciated this class. I have actively used my diigo for school and personal use since the day i opened the account. I Have actively used my twitter that i opened but i have to be honest, i used it more for personal use. I am not totally addicted to it, and i still like facebook better but you can follow me @india_rouge if you would like. I have opened three more weebly pages since then and they are all used and updated.

Technology is a big part of everyones lives, not just the students. People rely on smart phones to keep them organized, entertained, informed, and in touch. Why shouldn't kids be allowed to do the same things. I was in one of my classes a few weeks ago and a class mate introduced us to a tool for cellphones that allowed students to text in our response to a 5 digit number and then the results instantly posted on his presentation on the internet for us to review right away. we, acting as his class, loved it and instantly became more engaged.

The class, Education Technology, introduced me to many fun tools. i was excited to go off on my own and try to figure them out and get lost in the sites so i can explore. I am the type of person that will drive around further than i have ever been to get a little lost in an unknown area so sitting in the back for me and playing with the ideas of Wordle and other sights was perfect for me.

I will use most of the tools presented. For my content area, Wordle is very useful but i will use many other Ideas. I am a mother of 3: ages 9 months to 14. I have used the ideas with my kids, particularly my oldest to see how she liked them. we have used wolfram alpha now, google docs now, cartoonize me, many more in our life and school for other classes. this semester i had to make a lesson plan in another class. i went back and added a few technology standards in and adjusted my plan to make it more interesting. ALong with my A+ she commented, " Very Ambitious". I wondered what that meant. does it mean that she liked it but didnt think i would actually use the plan or did it mean she liked it and was happy i included it. Who knows. I have shared many things leanred with my friend who teaches in a suburban disctrict and she guaranteed me this would not work in her class and with her students in high school but she could not say why. She further implied that i will not either as she said, "we will see". We will see won't we.

I used wikispaces.com to create a wiki for my language arts class. I played around with my format a few times over a span of a week and i realized i had to scale down my ideas and just think like a kid. I needed pages to lead to other related pages and I needed to not be too wordy. The odds of the kids reading too many details was slim. after a few tried i ended up using a multi page approach that keeps students informed while one page always leads to another and the same info may be posted more than once where logical.

my wiki And my lesson plan  This unit will require a digital portfolio of the students writing process and a final essay that reflects on the portfolio and what was learned in class along with any ideas they want to reflect on. Students will be asked to explain their process and what changes they made on their final process in this essay. Students will also need to include the revisions made and peer review advice. 

              The students will receive feedback and points for completing the entire portfolio as well as its individual phases. There will be a grade for the mini-saga the student creates and a grade for the reflective essay in the portfolio.

The Essay and Portfolio assessment was created to address students writing. I revised the questions and objectives several times to make sure they aligned. The essay questions needed to use the text as a source but really focus in the student’s ability to create their own works and think in abstract terms. While there are no right or wrong answers I expect students to support any claims or references made while also applying background knowledge. The first draft of the essay questions I felt I was too restricted. Once I drafted the questions I think I left enough room for personal expression.

 Creating the rubric was the most difficult part of creating assessments. At first I include a scale for“Accuracy of Information” but I realized that I am not asking them to provide me with facts. All the essays are based on creativity and opinion. I next realized that I needed to include a row for using transitions and writing for The audience since this aligns directly with the standards I chose. 
I created a feedback  response page to help give students clear feedback on each stage of the writing
process for the portfolio. they needed to be able to help one another, And I wanted to give students an idea of how they were
doing other than simply marking on their drafts. I also can give feedback on how the student is using the writing process and what seems to be effective.

 The framework is criterion-referencing. This framework is based on student’s mastery of the unit rather than the students in comparison to one another. Student’s personal growth is more important than simply being the best of the class. I feel this framework is the fairest grading for all the students in my class. My unit is used to make sure a student is mastering the Ohio Department of Education Standards.

 I will assign each
  assessment a specific number of points related to the assignments difficulty
and taxonomic level assessed. Student will be aware of how many points are
possible before beginning each assignment. They will also know how they can
obtain the maximum points. Students will be able to see on each assignment how
many points they received out of the maximum possible. Receiving less than half
the possible points is considered a failure to adequately complete the
assignment. The students’ completion of their synthesized short story will be
graded by a rubric based on points in order to be more uniform, however in
addition to the points they will be assigned an understanding level: mastered,
progressing, attempted. There will also be a specific percentage on all
summative assessments. By including all three translations of the grade earned I
hope to make students understanding of their grade easier depending on which
format is more significant to

Emerging Technology Today’s  teachers have the task of keeping students engaged in the classroom when the world outside the classroom is full of fast paced music videos, video games, and electronics that require interaction with no interaction with actual humans. the task of teaching students using technology requires that we effectively integrate technology into the lessons.

Students can use blogs to post research, ask open questions, ask for help, offer their point of view, and even publicly communicate experimental findings. A tool for blogs that i am using in my graduate class i am in now is posting summaries of the week's lesson for the public, our own reflection, and for classmates. the richness of sharing give an immediate audience and requires each student to be held accountable for their efforts from more than just the teacher. Blogs open the classroom to the world.

So what makes technology “emerging”. emerging means new or changing, or just coming into prominence. though certain technology is not emerging in the world it is emerging in the educational domain. using an existing technology in a new way in
the class makes it emergent.  collaborative tools such as Google Doc, and Skype offer student new way to work on projects
using their computers at home, in the library, or at school.  The Photo above and below are photos of us, India and Joe, blogging buddy, as we collaborate on this blog post. Groups of students can collaborate online on a project versus driving to a common place or sending multiple emails. Only those who are invited can read or write to the
files. we used both Google Docs and Skype to create this post.

Students Need to Own the Learning
Students do not own the learning according to Alan November. Society agrees that  students should own the learning but they do not. Since industrial revelution teachers manage the classroom like the boss does in a factory using top down management.
Alan Novembers says that “Organization do not change unless pressure on the outside to change is greater
than the pressure on the inside to stay the same.”

We, teachers, need to use technology to teach 3 main skills according to
skill 1 : teach children deal with massive amounts of information- sift through, organize, find meaning, move on
skill 2 : global communication. teach outsourcing. organize people around world to solve problems
skill 3: self direction. Does not need a boss or to be told what to do. What u know is not sufficient. Someone who can manage self is better and cheaper in long run. Highly disciplined.

three ways to use emerging technology in the classroom in lesson:
1. a real audience. if you change the audience from the teacher only to the world seeing what your doing, they take it more serious.
2. look at what kids are doing in technology in their everyday life everyday in the world. Ex: facebook, twitter, instagram,
3. Instant feedback. students want instant feedback because they are use to it. 
4. Stop only teaching the american point of view. teach opposite point of view and kids are more interested in learning lots of versions of the truth. 
5. Have kids find truth on internet, just teach them syntax and grammar, and have them seek truth rather than just teacher lecturing .
 pupils like technology and gravitate to it. u have to globalize curriculum not just add technology. u have to connect them to a real people (audience)

A new way to emerge an old technology

middle school minority males struggle more in poetry and writing than any other group. Give the student a computer screen or paper and he is paralyzed... instead give him a video and have him record himself and then have him re-record with notes. he can take video home and critique self and listen to own voice. the child learns to only listen to voice then turn off audio and only watch what he does and then share with someone else to watch video. post the video online or on a Vlog.

Applications for Tablets and iPods:

With projects such as One Laptop Per Child and the Maine Laptop Program students are gaining access to technology rapidly. It won't be long until every student in every state has a device that can utilize Apps. We took the time to look up some
new applications for teachers and educators,the list is endless. A simple google search or quick browse through your favorite App Market (mac or otherwise) reveals an endless list of applications intended to enrich any students learning experience. These apps tend to be rather subject specific. This is great because it allows developers to really dive deep into content. Many Apps contain lots of factual information that students can rely on as a resource. Other apps serve as reference material that contain things such as rules for writing in different formats and grammar tips. In all the time technological climate has never been more in the educators favor. With applications moving from entertainment to education it is not crazy to think that apps may become the textbooks of the future.

Using Skype and Google Docs:
Using skype and Google docs are two great ways to communicate with someone while not having to be in the same location. We used google docs to compile the information for this weeks blog and it worked out very well. Creating the doc is 
super simple and using it is even easier. The doc allowed us to both contribute to the project while not needing to find common time to work on it, this is perhaps the greatest strength of google docs. Using this in a classroom would be  ideal for students who enjoy working in groups but find it hard to find common free time. This doc would allow everyone to contribute from wherever they may be. A common doc between students and the instructor would allow for up to the
minute input on a project. THe students could contribute to the doc and not have to wait to receive feedback.

is also another productive way to get work done remotely. We were able to utilize skype while working on our google doc to complete this blog. The real-time application allowed us to make quick decisions and get the project done in a timely matter. We did not have to wait for the google doc to be updated or play e-mail tag. Students could experience the same benefits of using this software as well. Soon enough, staying home sick from school will involve getting on skype and having to participate remotely.

Click for Our google doc used to create this blog, and second

Alan November Video

I must addmit... I got a little silly with this new information. I created maybe 10 VOKI! I used them on my husband's music website i created for him and set them in emails to friends, I even posted them on facebook (click the picture for link). I had a  lot of fun with these and i can kids really enjoying these. I felt like a big kid.  
In a Language arts class there are several uses for this type of techology. First there is the class website with istructions on how to do a certain assignment. by changing the clothes and instructions the Voki character says its an interested tool for giving verbal instructions and adds visual interest to the class site. Secong there is allowing students to make their own character for a poem or story and having the voki "read lines" or recite poems. that can give shy children a voice and be a interesting way of capturing the students grasp of the lesson. I like that the Voki's follow you around the site like a teacher in a class watching what you are doing. I plan on using this in a lesson plan i am writing now for another class. I want the kids to think about characterization when writing. this tool is perfect. i also "cartooned myself" and came up with a great photo to share on facebook and with students. I also plan on using it with photos for my kids party this summer. their is more on teachers for tommorow blog at this link!

Prezi is one of my favorite new tools for creating a presentation. i simply adore the clouds and how you can make everything tie together. If you notice during my prezi below there are definitions inside the actual words inside the presentation. how can a child not be excited by this type of presentation. the prezi jumps or zooms in and out on demend. I chose the colors to look like a chalkboard, chalk, and a marker. I groupsed info into a cloud and I tried to make the image more like a music video where images jump around.
My daughter loves this type of presentation and uses it in school very often. you can include youtubes as I have (even though it was removed offline) and you can include photos or links. I love the prezi. it was easy. I wanted to guide students with the prezi but not let the prezi do the job of teaching so i did not put all the ifo in the prezi, just and outline and key points. I was excited about how it turned out and I plan on using this tool may more times in the future.

File Size: 5200 kb
File Type: m4a
Download File

Above is the Podcast created by Joe C. and Myself on inquiry learning, and other teaching theories. Check it out.
Yesterday, In one of my graduate classes, a peer asked if having a collaborative classroom was dangerous because then students don't really need us as teachers. She went on to say that she believed it was more important that she be the knowledgeable one teaching the students rather than the student learning from groups, classmates, or dare we even think... Learning by themselves. Ok, that was sarcasm in the end there but honestly I disagree but then again she is a music teacher so i understand were this particular person is coming from, only because of her content area.

As a mom and LA teacher I love the Idea of Inquiry leafrning in my Constructivist classroom. I use this at home. Rather than knowing it all, i pride myself on guideing to the answer and allowing kids to mess up. even simple thing like chores are great learning moments. sometimes they do things the hard way and i point out how they could had done things differently ot get them to think about what may have worked better. Collaberation in a classroom is about growing together. i know the answers many times but isn't it more fun, interesting, and meaningful to let students figure it out with a little guidance and facilatation. I plan on sorting my classroom around this concept.

I watched a wonderful movie released in 2005 called "Life Lessons" and the whole point was a teacher stuck in a rut, and not reaching kids is suddenly up against a great new charismatic teacher with fresh ideas who is willing to treat the students as equals and partners in learning. The older teacher was resentful of the new teachers relationship with the students, staff, and his relationship with learning and in the end he realized that all the new ideas and techniques touched the kids hearts and minds... the students felt special.

is a theory of knowledge that argues that humans gain knowledge and meaning
from an interaction between their experiences and their ideas. This theoretical framework holds that learning always builds upon knowledge that a
student already knows; 

  constructivists suggest that learning is more effective when a student is
actively engaged in the learning process rather than attempting to receive
knowledge passively.EX:researching over taking notes from lecture. 
In class methods

students individually perform an experiment and then come together as a class
to discuss the results.

Research  projects: students research a topic and can present their findings to the class.  <Expert teaches other>
  • Field trips: This allows students to put the concepts and ideas  discussed in class in  a real-world context. Field trips would often be  followed by class  discussions.<discussion>
  • Films: These provide visual context and thus bring another sense into  the learning  experience.
  • Learning Based Around:
    • Question or issue
    • Case study
    • Long-term Project
    • Problem (multiple cases and projects integrated at the curriculum
     Inquiry Based Learning  is a student-centered and student-lead process. The purpose is to engage the student in active learning, ideally based on their own questions. Learning activities are organized in a cyclic way, independently of the subject. Each  question leads to the creation of new ideas and other questions.  

    Students prefer to work in groups. By doing some type of group activities regarding a text, the teacher allows students to explore ideas with one another. The group and usually clarify ideas for one another. Sharing in small groups will provide a safe forum for students to participate and not feel they are in the spot light. The peer group can be guided by the teacher through
    graphic organizers and the use of coding. By comparing the coding notes and organizers, students are able to see when they are on the right track and check their own thinking. Students of different cognitive abilities will benefit from peer learning. Vocal students will likely become discussion leaders while less vocal students are more likely to speak in small groups than in large
    Organization is not always a natural ability. By giving students
    chances to become organized by requiring it I think they will be able to see a
    difference. I will require portfolios for major writing projects. During class
    introduction to writing assignments I will use several forms of organization to
    get the class thinking and engaged. 
    This will be done on the board and allow students to move around and work
    in groups. Students who are shyer will be able to share their ideas in a group
    and one person can take the ideas to the board for class

      essay is used in my class to check understanding.
    While there is no single correct answer I am more interested in the student’s
    ability to write for the prompt and synthesize and evaluate. I expect students
    to have good reasoning and be able to support their statements. The student is
    expected to create very well thought out and well organized pieces of writing
    using the text and previous assessments as tools to adequately answer prompts. I
    provide the student with a time frame to keep with the class schedule. The
    student is required to use the writing process to ensure they have produced the
    soundest pieces of writing.

    While the essay assess higher taxonomic levels they are more difficult to
    grade. Grading is more subjective. There is more chance for error in grading
    including bias. Creating rubrics to grade is more difficult. I am willing to
    allow students chances to defend their positions and redo work. Grading will
    take more time and delay students with feedback.

    students will engage in all major phases of the writing process including
    prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. They will plan their
    writing for different purposes and audiences using. Students will be able
    display appropriate writing skills by creating and producing works that reflect
    effective word and grammatical choices as also stated in the Writing Conventions
    Standard. The students will show that they have developed strategies to improve
    the content, organization and language of their writing through the revision
    process. Students also develop editing skills to improve their writing
    conventions. This will all be put together in a portfolio and handed in to me. I
    will ask them to provide me with a table of contents and write a letter telling
    what is included and why it is important (or why they did not find it valuable).
    I created a feedback response page to help give students clear feedback on each
    stage of the writing process for the portfolio. I wanted to give students an
    idea of how they were doing other than simply marking on their drafts. I also
    can give feedback on how the student is using the writing process and what seems
    to be effective. Peer review will allow students chances to learn from their
    peers before bringing the works to me.

    In my class I will allow the students as much choice as
    possible. Students will be given controlled choice in assignments for the entire
    class through voting between 4 teacher choices on a regular basis. Free choices
    will allow students to choose prompts from a list of 4provided by me. If one
    prompt does not seem to get their creative juices flowing then they have more
    options. I will not attempt to stifle student creativity through controlling
    choices however I need to be able to create rubrics and make sure prompts make
    since. As long as a student can tie a choice back into a lesson or unit, I will
    allow them to use their own prompts also for

    writing assignments discussions the class can openly discuss any issues they are
    having in writing essays or other assignments. Essays will be tied directly to
    reading assignments so many other students will probably have similar concerns.
    Since all students are not vocal in class for different reasons I will set aside
    half of class time for writing/ editing/ publishing and during this time
    students have time for peer review or conferencing with me. I like the idea of
    students having the freedom to come when they are ready but reality is some
    students will not meet with me and other students for the required reviews if I
    do not make deadlines for doing so. While I do not want to rush student we will
    need to move forward and show some sort of progression.

    I am trying to think of ways to be a more flexible and
    reasonable teacher because as a student those are the teachers I put forth more
    effort for. It’s really about making connections and explaining “why” is this
    important and how is this going to be useful. I feel students react better if
    these questions are addressed in class.




         I am a visual learner! Atleast I think I am. I am often told how attentive I am and I have a wonderful detailed memory. this is all from me coding things in my head. I dream in bright color, which i never realized is not typical. In my class i plan on using differentiated instruction but i will use some techniques for visual learners that can help all students.
         Wordle is a sight that takes a passage or webpage and organizes the words into a picture, displaying the most repeated words with different sizes so the "big Ideas" are larger and more prominent. the photo on the side is my blog. the biggest idea of my blog is Writing followed by students. since this is a Language arts class, and a education blog it makes a lot of sense. Another Blog about Wordle

    In My Class:
    1.Keep my visual aids organized in a logical fashion.
    2.Display key points of course material on overheads, chalkboard, and handouts.
    3. Font sizes should be large enough to read from the back of classroom. If I use PowerPoint, provide slides on handouts with a photo that is relevent to go along with each slide .
    4. Create a web-site and make class notes, or supplementary
    materials,available for download.
    5. Use pictures along with every spoken point for memory storage. students ca often see
    the image for recall and remember everything said.
    6. Provide time to make outlines or flashcards as needed.
    7. provide graphic organizers and visual aids that students can fill in and customize.

    Here is a list of characteristics of Visual Learners according to Lehigh.edu:
    - Learns through seeing 
    - Reader/observer 
    - Scans everything;  wants to see things, enjoys visual stimulation
    - Enjoys maps, pictures, diagrams, and color
    - Needs to see the teacher’s body language/facial expression to fully comprehend 
    - Often closes their eyes to visualize or remember something 
    - Daydreams; a word, sound, or smell causes recall and mental wandering
    - Usually takes detailed notes to absorb the information
    - May think in pictures and learn best from visual displays such as diagrams, illustrated textbooks, overhead transparencies,     PowerPoint presentations, videos, and handouts
    - Tends to prefer sitting at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions 
    - Is usually neat and clean
    - Finds something to watch if they are bored
    -  Benefits from illustrations and presentations that use color
    - Is attracted to written or spoken language rich in imagery

    Visual of Essay Diagram from Inspiration software. Below is the same in outline format.

         Technology in the classroom is necessary in today's learning  environments since we are building tomorrows teachers, workers, and leaders. New ideas on how to do things and new innovative ways of doing them are popping up every day! As the world changes there must be standards on how to approach technology in the classroom and rules to govern the teachers, the students and schools.
          The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE®) has helped create standards for teaching using technology from three stand points: Teachers, Students, Administration. Standards are meant to give ideas the indicators are ways to implement the standards and know if the standards are being met. The NETS page of the website provides PDF files that were easy to download onto my computer so I have these documents for my classroom. The website is a tool for teachers to continue their education and also communicate research with other educators. The NING section resembles a Facebook for educators in technology and teachers can reach out to one another if they need information. 

         The Ohio Department of Education has Technology Standards specifically for teachers in Ohio that I must be familiar with and be sure to include in my classes. The ODE website has national standards in technology available also for review. I must be sure to include technology in order to teach  the modern student in a way that he/she will understand, adapt to and be able to use technology in my field.
    Ohio’s Academic Content Standards in technology are made up of seven standards:  
      -Nature of Technology
      -Technology and Society Interaction
      -Technology for Productivity Applications
      -Technology and Communication  Applications
      -Technology and Information  Literacy
      -Designed World                                                                       

         At first glance some standard may not seem relative in every class but while
    considering how learning is cyclical and classes tend to build on one another,
    these standards do apply to all classes. 
        Ohio's technology standards include computer and multimedia literacy, information literacy and technological literacy. Computer and multimedia literacy is the capability to use hardware, software, multimedia while Information literacy is the acquisition, and interpretation of that information and technology   information literacy encompass the utilization of the Internet and other electronic information resources for research. 

    Ethics and Netiquette Rules

    Netiquette"  stands for "Internet Etiquette", and  refers to the set  of practices created over the years to make the Internet experience pleasant for everyone. Like other forms of etiquette, netiquette is  primarily concerned with matters of courtesy in communications.
    rules are in place for any society even digital society. Netiquette rules are ways to not impose your will, or be rude or inconvientant to other people. so what are some great Netiquette rules:
    1.  Spell check and proof read all written internet communication because errors diminish the
    credibility of the message.
     2.   Do  not write in all capital letters because all caps are considered shouting when written on the  internet.
     3.    Tell  the truth online  because honesty creates the best online experience. Do not lie in account profiles.
     4.   Do not do things online you would not do in reality. Be yourself, you are not anonymous.
     5.   Do not flame or respond to flames because personal insults are uncivilized and netiquette is civilized.
     6.   Do not spam or follow pop-up and spam links because they can lead to viruses, spyware, and malware.
     7.   Be conservative in email you send and liberal in email you receive because quality is better than quantity. No one likes reading long wordy messages and the big idea may be lost.
     8.   Do not send email at night because normal people sleep at night. Late night email may call your lifestyle into question. In addition they may wake the recipient by sending through smartphone alerts.
    9.   always include a subject line so people know what the message pretains to.
    10.   Avoid sarcasm because it can be misunderstood online.
    11. Do not forward other messages without permission. Respect their privacy.
    12. Do not post email addresses in messages. For more than one person use blind carbon copy.
    13. Use approporiate language.
    14. use emoticons if needed to convey the meaning behind the message intended.

    In my class room there will be many opportunities for me to allow students use of the internet to research, choose topics and I do not want students to plagiarize or break copyright laws. I have been guilty in the past of pushing the limits in copyright laws, unbeknown. Fair Use allows for some copyright material to be used for educational purposes. The content of the information being used is important for many classes but using videos for entertainment or “showings” is not allowed. 

    Section 107 of copyright law determine use of copyright material is a "fair use" or not.
    1. the purpose and character of the use, including whether such  use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational
    2. the nature of the copyrighted work
      3.     the  amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole
        The Essay responses are the main assessment for this type of class. While there is no single correct answer I am more interested in the student’s ability to write for the prompt and synthesize and evaluate. I expect students to have good reasoning and be able to support their statements. The student is expected to create very well thought out and well organized pieces of writing using the text and previous assessments as tools to adequately answer prompts. I provide the student with a
    time frame to keep with the class schedule. The student is required to use the writing process to ensure they have produced the soundest pieces of writing.
         The main Concern with the a Language Arts class is the risk of cheating and plagiarism. I not only risk students cheating off one another but I also am giving them the opportunity to use the internet to answer the prompts. the ethical student will not attempt to use other work as their own but this ability to cheat requires that I look online for similar work and check for language not true to the student. I will have to monitor their research and provide them with the correct guideline on what is and is not alright online.             
        Google Docs has already been very useful. before taking this class I didn't know what Google Docs was. My daughter is home schooled and she has been working on a project with another girl who lives in Dayton. they had emailed their parts of the project back and forth several times only to realize the two parts where not cohesive and that they had totally different ideas of what the assignment was. Having never met i intriduced them to skype to sit and talk things through and to plan but now that they are using Google Docs the project has taken off and is much easier for the two girls who have never met in person. 
        My mother never heard of the Google docs. She just got a laptop and a her first Cellphone so I am not at all suprised. Her Microsoft Office trial is over and she likes to type letters to friends and mail them rather than use email. She would honestly still use her old typewriter if it had not broke a year ago. I sat her down and set her up the account. i added it to her favortites tool bar so it is easy to find. my mother does not have a printer so she called me and asked that I pull up her documents offline and print it for her at my home. I was able to go and proofread everything for her and add pictures of my daughter, her new grandbaby. 
        In my classroom I think the process of editing and proofreading is very important. Aligning with the Writing Application Standard,  students will understand that various types of writing require different language, formatting and jargon. Students will be expected to display their understanding of literature by writing using different forms including a persuasive essay, a critical response, and a supplemental ending. They will understand that writing takes different forms for different reasons and use language, structure and audience. They are expected to effectively write in these different forms for the correct purposes. They are expected to use content specific language to reach the goal of the writing form.     
         Students can use Google Docs will meet the Writing Process Standard by engaging in all major phases of the writing process including prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. They will plan their writing for different purposes and audiences. Students will be able display appropriate writing skills by creating and producing works that reflect
    effective word and grammatical choices as also stated in the Writing Conventions Standard. The students will show that they have developed strategies to improve the content, organization and language of their writing through the revision
    process. Students also develop editing skills to improve their writing conventions.
        Google Docs comes in hand during the writing process. students can collaborate with other students. in addition students can send me link so that i can help with their drafts.I used Google Docs to create a feedback response page to help give students clear feedback on each stage of the writing process for the portfolio. I wanted to give students an idea of how they were doing other than simply marking on their drafts. I also  can give feedback on how the student is using the writing process and what is effective.