I sincerely appreciated this class. I have actively used my diigo for school and personal use since the day i opened the account. I Have actively used my twitter that i opened but i have to be honest, i used it more for personal use. I am not totally addicted to it, and i still like facebook better but you can follow me @india_rouge if you would like. I have opened three more weebly pages since then and they are all used and updated.

Technology is a big part of everyones lives, not just the students. People rely on smart phones to keep them organized, entertained, informed, and in touch. Why shouldn't kids be allowed to do the same things. I was in one of my classes a few weeks ago and a class mate introduced us to a tool for cellphones that allowed students to text in our response to a 5 digit number and then the results instantly posted on his presentation on the internet for us to review right away. we, acting as his class, loved it and instantly became more engaged.

The class, Education Technology, introduced me to many fun tools. i was excited to go off on my own and try to figure them out and get lost in the sites so i can explore. I am the type of person that will drive around further than i have ever been to get a little lost in an unknown area so sitting in the back for me and playing with the ideas of Wordle and other sights was perfect for me.

I will use most of the tools presented. For my content area, Wordle is very useful but i will use many other Ideas. I am a mother of 3: ages 9 months to 14. I have used the ideas with my kids, particularly my oldest to see how she liked them. we have used wolfram alpha now, google docs now, cartoonize me, many more in our life and school for other classes. this semester i had to make a lesson plan in another class. i went back and added a few technology standards in and adjusted my plan to make it more interesting. ALong with my A+ she commented, " Very Ambitious". I wondered what that meant. does it mean that she liked it but didnt think i would actually use the plan or did it mean she liked it and was happy i included it. Who knows. I have shared many things leanred with my friend who teaches in a suburban disctrict and she guaranteed me this would not work in her class and with her students in high school but she could not say why. She further implied that i will not either as she said, "we will see". We will see won't we.

5/7/2012 12:34:19 am

Yes, I have seen your other pages...the rap page. Like it. Anyways, As for very ambitious. I think it is because, most students would get the A+ and forgot it. You did not, you wanted more. That is a very cool and I am proud of you. Second, remember the ideas at the end, find your mentor (*better yet, your tribe and stay with them), don't let others box you in. Please keep in touch.

5/7/2012 03:54:39 am

Thanks Garth! for everything.


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