Yesterday, In one of my graduate classes, a peer asked if having a collaborative classroom was dangerous because then students don't really need us as teachers. She went on to say that she believed it was more important that she be the knowledgeable one teaching the students rather than the student learning from groups, classmates, or dare we even think... Learning by themselves. Ok, that was sarcasm in the end there but honestly I disagree but then again she is a music teacher so i understand were this particular person is coming from, only because of her content area.

As a mom and LA teacher I love the Idea of Inquiry leafrning in my Constructivist classroom. I use this at home. Rather than knowing it all, i pride myself on guideing to the answer and allowing kids to mess up. even simple thing like chores are great learning moments. sometimes they do things the hard way and i point out how they could had done things differently ot get them to think about what may have worked better. Collaberation in a classroom is about growing together. i know the answers many times but isn't it more fun, interesting, and meaningful to let students figure it out with a little guidance and facilatation. I plan on sorting my classroom around this concept.

I watched a wonderful movie released in 2005 called "Life Lessons" and the whole point was a teacher stuck in a rut, and not reaching kids is suddenly up against a great new charismatic teacher with fresh ideas who is willing to treat the students as equals and partners in learning. The older teacher was resentful of the new teachers relationship with the students, staff, and his relationship with learning and in the end he realized that all the new ideas and techniques touched the kids hearts and minds... the students felt special.

is a theory of knowledge that argues that humans gain knowledge and meaning
from an interaction between their experiences and their ideas. This theoretical framework holds that learning always builds upon knowledge that a
student already knows; 

  constructivists suggest that learning is more effective when a student is
actively engaged in the learning process rather than attempting to receive
knowledge passively.EX:researching over taking notes from lecture. 
In class methods

students individually perform an experiment and then come together as a class
to discuss the results.

Research  projects: students research a topic and can present their findings to the class.  <Expert teaches other>
  • Field trips: This allows students to put the concepts and ideas  discussed in class in  a real-world context. Field trips would often be  followed by class  discussions.<discussion>
  • Films: These provide visual context and thus bring another sense into  the learning  experience.
  • Learning Based Around:
    • Question or issue
    • Case study
    • Long-term Project
    • Problem (multiple cases and projects integrated at the curriculum
     Inquiry Based Learning  is a student-centered and student-lead process. The purpose is to engage the student in active learning, ideally based on their own questions. Learning activities are organized in a cyclic way, independently of the subject. Each  question leads to the creation of new ideas and other questions.  

    Students prefer to work in groups. By doing some type of group activities regarding a text, the teacher allows students to explore ideas with one another. The group and usually clarify ideas for one another. Sharing in small groups will provide a safe forum for students to participate and not feel they are in the spot light. The peer group can be guided by the teacher through
    graphic organizers and the use of coding. By comparing the coding notes and organizers, students are able to see when they are on the right track and check their own thinking. Students of different cognitive abilities will benefit from peer learning. Vocal students will likely become discussion leaders while less vocal students are more likely to speak in small groups than in large
    Organization is not always a natural ability. By giving students
    chances to become organized by requiring it I think they will be able to see a
    difference. I will require portfolios for major writing projects. During class
    introduction to writing assignments I will use several forms of organization to
    get the class thinking and engaged. 
    This will be done on the board and allow students to move around and work
    in groups. Students who are shyer will be able to share their ideas in a group
    and one person can take the ideas to the board for class

      essay is used in my class to check understanding.
    While there is no single correct answer I am more interested in the student’s
    ability to write for the prompt and synthesize and evaluate. I expect students
    to have good reasoning and be able to support their statements. The student is
    expected to create very well thought out and well organized pieces of writing
    using the text and previous assessments as tools to adequately answer prompts. I
    provide the student with a time frame to keep with the class schedule. The
    student is required to use the writing process to ensure they have produced the
    soundest pieces of writing.

    While the essay assess higher taxonomic levels they are more difficult to
    grade. Grading is more subjective. There is more chance for error in grading
    including bias. Creating rubrics to grade is more difficult. I am willing to
    allow students chances to defend their positions and redo work. Grading will
    take more time and delay students with feedback.

    students will engage in all major phases of the writing process including
    prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. They will plan their
    writing for different purposes and audiences using. Students will be able
    display appropriate writing skills by creating and producing works that reflect
    effective word and grammatical choices as also stated in the Writing Conventions
    Standard. The students will show that they have developed strategies to improve
    the content, organization and language of their writing through the revision
    process. Students also develop editing skills to improve their writing
    conventions. This will all be put together in a portfolio and handed in to me. I
    will ask them to provide me with a table of contents and write a letter telling
    what is included and why it is important (or why they did not find it valuable).
    I created a feedback response page to help give students clear feedback on each
    stage of the writing process for the portfolio. I wanted to give students an
    idea of how they were doing other than simply marking on their drafts. I also
    can give feedback on how the student is using the writing process and what seems
    to be effective. Peer review will allow students chances to learn from their
    peers before bringing the works to me.

    In my class I will allow the students as much choice as
    possible. Students will be given controlled choice in assignments for the entire
    class through voting between 4 teacher choices on a regular basis. Free choices
    will allow students to choose prompts from a list of 4provided by me. If one
    prompt does not seem to get their creative juices flowing then they have more
    options. I will not attempt to stifle student creativity through controlling
    choices however I need to be able to create rubrics and make sure prompts make
    since. As long as a student can tie a choice back into a lesson or unit, I will
    allow them to use their own prompts also for

    writing assignments discussions the class can openly discuss any issues they are
    having in writing essays or other assignments. Essays will be tied directly to
    reading assignments so many other students will probably have similar concerns.
    Since all students are not vocal in class for different reasons I will set aside
    half of class time for writing/ editing/ publishing and during this time
    students have time for peer review or conferencing with me. I like the idea of
    students having the freedom to come when they are ready but reality is some
    students will not meet with me and other students for the required reviews if I
    do not make deadlines for doing so. While I do not want to rush student we will
    need to move forward and show some sort of progression.

    I am trying to think of ways to be a more flexible and
    reasonable teacher because as a student those are the teachers I put forth more
    effort for. It’s really about making connections and explaining “why” is this
    important and how is this going to be useful. I feel students react better if
    these questions are addressed in class.


    Joe C
    3/7/2012 06:11:54 am

    Lol, I was in that class with the lady who didn't like students learning by themselves. I agree with you, nothing bad can come from students working with each other and gaining knowledge by them selves.


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