
     I am a visual learner! Atleast I think I am. I am often told how attentive I am and I have a wonderful detailed memory. this is all from me coding things in my head. I dream in bright color, which i never realized is not typical. In my class i plan on using differentiated instruction but i will use some techniques for visual learners that can help all students.
     Wordle is a sight that takes a passage or webpage and organizes the words into a picture, displaying the most repeated words with different sizes so the "big Ideas" are larger and more prominent. the photo on the side is my blog. the biggest idea of my blog is Writing followed by students. since this is a Language arts class, and a education blog it makes a lot of sense. Another Blog about Wordle

In My Class:
1.Keep my visual aids organized in a logical fashion.
2.Display key points of course material on overheads, chalkboard, and handouts.
3. Font sizes should be large enough to read from the back of classroom. If I use PowerPoint, provide slides on handouts with a photo that is relevent to go along with each slide .
4. Create a web-site and make class notes, or supplementary
materials,available for download.
5. Use pictures along with every spoken point for memory storage. students ca often see
the image for recall and remember everything said.
6. Provide time to make outlines or flashcards as needed.
7. provide graphic organizers and visual aids that students can fill in and customize.

Here is a list of characteristics of Visual Learners according to
- Learns through seeing 
- Reader/observer 
- Scans everything;  wants to see things, enjoys visual stimulation
- Enjoys maps, pictures, diagrams, and color
- Needs to see the teacher’s body language/facial expression to fully comprehend 
- Often closes their eyes to visualize or remember something 
- Daydreams; a word, sound, or smell causes recall and mental wandering
- Usually takes detailed notes to absorb the information
- May think in pictures and learn best from visual displays such as diagrams, illustrated textbooks, overhead transparencies,     PowerPoint presentations, videos, and handouts
- Tends to prefer sitting at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions 
- Is usually neat and clean
- Finds something to watch if they are bored
-  Benefits from illustrations and presentations that use color
- Is attracted to written or spoken language rich in imagery

Visual of Essay Diagram from Inspiration software. Below is the same in outline format.

     Technology in the classroom is necessary in today's learning  environments since we are building tomorrows teachers, workers, and leaders. New ideas on how to do things and new innovative ways of doing them are popping up every day! As the world changes there must be standards on how to approach technology in the classroom and rules to govern the teachers, the students and schools.
      The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE®) has helped create standards for teaching using technology from three stand points: Teachers, Students, Administration. Standards are meant to give ideas the indicators are ways to implement the standards and know if the standards are being met. The NETS page of the website provides PDF files that were easy to download onto my computer so I have these documents for my classroom. The website is a tool for teachers to continue their education and also communicate research with other educators. The NING section resembles a Facebook for educators in technology and teachers can reach out to one another if they need information. 

     The Ohio Department of Education has Technology Standards specifically for teachers in Ohio that I must be familiar with and be sure to include in my classes. The ODE website has national standards in technology available also for review. I must be sure to include technology in order to teach  the modern student in a way that he/she will understand, adapt to and be able to use technology in my field.
Ohio’s Academic Content Standards in technology are made up of seven standards:  
  -Nature of Technology
  -Technology and Society Interaction
  -Technology for Productivity Applications
  -Technology and Communication  Applications
  -Technology and Information  Literacy
  -Designed World                                                                       

     At first glance some standard may not seem relative in every class but while
considering how learning is cyclical and classes tend to build on one another,
these standards do apply to all classes. 
    Ohio's technology standards include computer and multimedia literacy, information literacy and technological literacy. Computer and multimedia literacy is the capability to use hardware, software, multimedia while Information literacy is the acquisition, and interpretation of that information and technology   information literacy encompass the utilization of the Internet and other electronic information resources for research. 

Ethics and Netiquette Rules

Netiquette"  stands for "Internet Etiquette", and  refers to the set  of practices created over the years to make the Internet experience pleasant for everyone. Like other forms of etiquette, netiquette is  primarily concerned with matters of courtesy in communications.
rules are in place for any society even digital society. Netiquette rules are ways to not impose your will, or be rude or inconvientant to other people. so what are some great Netiquette rules:
1.  Spell check and proof read all written internet communication because errors diminish the
credibility of the message.
 2.   Do  not write in all capital letters because all caps are considered shouting when written on the  internet.
 3.    Tell  the truth online  because honesty creates the best online experience. Do not lie in account profiles.
 4.   Do not do things online you would not do in reality. Be yourself, you are not anonymous.
 5.   Do not flame or respond to flames because personal insults are uncivilized and netiquette is civilized.
 6.   Do not spam or follow pop-up and spam links because they can lead to viruses, spyware, and malware.
 7.   Be conservative in email you send and liberal in email you receive because quality is better than quantity. No one likes reading long wordy messages and the big idea may be lost.
 8.   Do not send email at night because normal people sleep at night. Late night email may call your lifestyle into question. In addition they may wake the recipient by sending through smartphone alerts.
9.   always include a subject line so people know what the message pretains to.
10.   Avoid sarcasm because it can be misunderstood online.
11. Do not forward other messages without permission. Respect their privacy.
12. Do not post email addresses in messages. For more than one person use blind carbon copy.
13. Use approporiate language.
14. use emoticons if needed to convey the meaning behind the message intended.

In my class room there will be many opportunities for me to allow students use of the internet to research, choose topics and I do not want students to plagiarize or break copyright laws. I have been guilty in the past of pushing the limits in copyright laws, unbeknown. Fair Use allows for some copyright material to be used for educational purposes. The content of the information being used is important for many classes but using videos for entertainment or “showings” is not allowed. 

Section 107 of copyright law determine use of copyright material is a "fair use" or not.
  1. the purpose and character of the use, including whether such  use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational
  2. the nature of the copyrighted work
  3.     the  amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole
    The Essay responses are the main assessment for this type of class. While there is no single correct answer I am more interested in the student’s ability to write for the prompt and synthesize and evaluate. I expect students to have good reasoning and be able to support their statements. The student is expected to create very well thought out and well organized pieces of writing using the text and previous assessments as tools to adequately answer prompts. I provide the student with a
time frame to keep with the class schedule. The student is required to use the writing process to ensure they have produced the soundest pieces of writing.
     The main Concern with the a Language Arts class is the risk of cheating and plagiarism. I not only risk students cheating off one another but I also am giving them the opportunity to use the internet to answer the prompts. the ethical student will not attempt to use other work as their own but this ability to cheat requires that I look online for similar work and check for language not true to the student. I will have to monitor their research and provide them with the correct guideline on what is and is not alright online.             
    Google Docs has already been very useful. before taking this class I didn't know what Google Docs was. My daughter is home schooled and she has been working on a project with another girl who lives in Dayton. they had emailed their parts of the project back and forth several times only to realize the two parts where not cohesive and that they had totally different ideas of what the assignment was. Having never met i intriduced them to skype to sit and talk things through and to plan but now that they are using Google Docs the project has taken off and is much easier for the two girls who have never met in person. 
    My mother never heard of the Google docs. She just got a laptop and a her first Cellphone so I am not at all suprised. Her Microsoft Office trial is over and she likes to type letters to friends and mail them rather than use email. She would honestly still use her old typewriter if it had not broke a year ago. I sat her down and set her up the account. i added it to her favortites tool bar so it is easy to find. my mother does not have a printer so she called me and asked that I pull up her documents offline and print it for her at my home. I was able to go and proofread everything for her and add pictures of my daughter, her new grandbaby. 
    In my classroom I think the process of editing and proofreading is very important. Aligning with the Writing Application Standard,  students will understand that various types of writing require different language, formatting and jargon. Students will be expected to display their understanding of literature by writing using different forms including a persuasive essay, a critical response, and a supplemental ending. They will understand that writing takes different forms for different reasons and use language, structure and audience. They are expected to effectively write in these different forms for the correct purposes. They are expected to use content specific language to reach the goal of the writing form.     
     Students can use Google Docs will meet the Writing Process Standard by engaging in all major phases of the writing process including prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. They will plan their writing for different purposes and audiences. Students will be able display appropriate writing skills by creating and producing works that reflect
effective word and grammatical choices as also stated in the Writing Conventions Standard. The students will show that they have developed strategies to improve the content, organization and language of their writing through the revision
process. Students also develop editing skills to improve their writing conventions.
    Google Docs comes in hand during the writing process. students can collaborate with other students. in addition students can send me link so that i can help with their drafts.I used Google Docs to create a feedback response page to help give students clear feedback on each stage of the writing process for the portfolio. I wanted to give students an idea of how they were doing other than simply marking on their drafts. I also  can give feedback on how the student is using the writing process and what is effective.

To Tweet or not to Tweet?

I finally Joined Twitter. I am @India_Rouge on Twitter . I have never been opposed to beginning a twitter. I have had Facebook for over a decade but twitter was more complex even though it so simple. Since I actively use Facebook to share photos of my family and keep in contact with college and high school friends I should be able to adjust quickly to Twitter. the hash-marks and lingo and constant updates are what make twitter so complex that i just didn't want to do it.
I missed class last week and I updated my status, "sick baby, sad mommy" on Facebook. 15 people responded 5 called. i guess twitter makes since. "Teacher need tool"... how many people respond from the educational community. if this is what your students use why not use it too?

I see how using Twitter could be beneficial to a classroom or in the educational community. I could have all of the students join, follow me, or and i can use this to update assignments and reminders. this is something the students use very regularly. it is fast and easy for them to check in and keep going in our fast pace society. my class would have no excuse for seeing updates since most of their twitters accounts are connected to their phones even if they do not have a computer at home. Twitter is an open forum that parents and community can stay involved. Even though i can see the value and i have started an account, I still prefer Facebook

This is my Twitter page! India_Rouge

Like it or Love it? DIIGO it!

I have written hundreds of papers in my lifetime. Most of those papers i did countless hours of research only til later lose the links or printed pages of research.Many papers require the same research be done again and again. If only i knew about DIIGO! If only the world was aware. since i was introduced to i have called 15 friends to introduce the comcept. I introduced this to my 13 year old daughter who loves you tube videos and funny clips but hates when she can't find them anymore after she sees them once. We are all in love. Whats not to love about a sight that allows you to high-light, sticky note, snapshot, bookmar, and catalogue for life? I can follow professors and researchers so i know what they think is interesting. They do my work for me.     How could I not be aware of such a wonderful sight? I am not sure if i am just not in the know or if many people outside of my friends and family are using this as much as i am now. I created a group account for my family and close friends to share info with one another through a share group rather than just calling one another with inaccurate links to websites or emailing copied inserts.