Boy, Wikipedia made a statement! They made that statement on a day i really needed to Wikipedia something. Wikipedia is being used as a verb now a verb which says how important it is in today's society. protecting the rights of intellectual work sounds like a good idea until you look deeper into the legislation. 

The world is small to Americans. we think we know everything we need to know about other countries at the surface and there is no need to dive deeper until we have an assignment that causes us to look into another continent, culture, and hemisphere.
When we need to look into facts or figures a good starting point is Wikipedia and search engines. though not scholarly, they point students into the right directions and use scholarly information information in an organized  format with all the references cited.

As a language arts teacher i do not
think anyone should use Wikipedia to do a research paper for obvious reasons but
i think its a great tool for finding where you can go for more information,
finding titles of books, and finding names that could be

Dear Wikipedia,
that one day... I really missed you. Never leave me again.
