To Tweet or not to Tweet?

I finally Joined Twitter. I am @India_Rouge on Twitter . I have never been opposed to beginning a twitter. I have had Facebook for over a decade but twitter was more complex even though it so simple. Since I actively use Facebook to share photos of my family and keep in contact with college and high school friends I should be able to adjust quickly to Twitter. the hash-marks and lingo and constant updates are what make twitter so complex that i just didn't want to do it.
I missed class last week and I updated my status, "sick baby, sad mommy" on Facebook. 15 people responded 5 called. i guess twitter makes since. "Teacher need tool"... how many people respond from the educational community. if this is what your students use why not use it too?

I see how using Twitter could be beneficial to a classroom or in the educational community. I could have all of the students join, follow me, or and i can use this to update assignments and reminders. this is something the students use very regularly. it is fast and easy for them to check in and keep going in our fast pace society. my class would have no excuse for seeing updates since most of their twitters accounts are connected to their phones even if they do not have a computer at home. Twitter is an open forum that parents and community can stay involved. Even though i can see the value and i have started an account, I still prefer Facebook


This is my Twitter page! India_Rouge